Wednesday, February 10, 2010

New gadgets for me

Hey this is all a bit new updating from my shiney new iPhone I love it!
Today has been great. Went to work and had a really productive day. Went on a date with
my awesome hubby, drinks, a movie, dinner and then just got home now. Just waiting for him
to come to bed... But you probably didn't need to know that!
Had a bit of a time of it lately. Struggling to reconcile Granddad dying and things...
One great thing that has come out of this is that Matt and I finally sat down and wrote out our goals for this year, and next year, and even beyond.
I have been kinda struggling with work of late, feeling powerless and frustrated and sitting and acctually deciding where i want to be in 18 months time was a huge breakthrough. Taking ownership and control of the problem and simply deciding that it is in my power to make things change has somehow helped a lot.

I have my duathlon this weekend. I had thought that with everything that has been happening that it might be too much of an ask, but today decided fuck it, I have done all the hard yards so I am going to bite the bullet and just do it!

Monday, February 1, 2010


Theo Godwin McGregor. 1931-2010

I was there to say goodbye. What an honour and a privelege.
You lived and imparted to me confidence and love, a sense of humour and a different perspective.
I loved how when I was little i got to ride on your shoulders (6'6" is a height to aspire to).
You were always waiting at the school gate for me on Wednesdays at lunch, so me and you could go and hang out, see nana and catch up on the weeks events.
You made the best school lunches, margerine 1 cm thick and choc chips, or sultanas
Marmite is only supposed to be used sparingly, but that never stopped you from slathering it on cm's thick.
I loved sitting on your knee.
And the smell of your sweater, rough on my cheek.
I always got to have a sip of your beer.
I love your laugh, and that grimace you have when you're thinking hard, or when something has gone to shit.
When everyone else was competing for first fiddle, your were a stead second, always there.
You fixed EVERYTHING, alarm clocks, my wristwatch when I forgot to take it off before a swim. I never got upset when something broke, because you were always there to fix it. Or make it better.
Do you remember the waterslide on the lawn, going hell for leather into nana's trees?
I can remember when you took me in your ute at Glenary, and I fell out the door, and then got you in trouble with Mum and Dad, I let the cat out of the bag.
I remember how big you are, how tall and strong. I remember your hands.

Do you remember all those Christmas' treats? I LOVE ICECREAM - you do too!
There was always the possibility of some adventure, of gruff cuddles, and lots of laughs.

I wish you were still here. I miss you. It's just not the same without my Granddad.
But I remember all the cool times and the crazy times, and I know when I have kids, and mum and dad are the Granddys, I will tell them about you too. So you will keep on in my heart and in theirs too.
I love you always Granddad.
Love Nardine.